Trade in example sentences
International trade in services such as international travel and tourism, transportation, communication, banking, warehousing, distribution and advertising has considerably grown.The importance of trade in modern times has increased as new products are being developed every day and are being made available for consumption throughout the world.But Western merchants in the mid-eighteenth century began an illegal trade in opium.The major difference between the objectives of GATT and WTO is that the objectives of WTO are more specific and also extend the scope of WTO to cover trade in services.Before the war, Lin wrote a strong letter to Queen ictoria criticizing the trade in opium.Government of India has also set up from time-to-time various institutions in order to facilitate the process of foreign trade in our country.As against GATT which covered only rules relating to trade in goods, the WTO agreements cover trade in goods, services as well as intellectual property.Of these, tourism, transportation and business services are major constituents of world trade in services (see Box C).It is due to the ATC that the world trade in textile and clothing has become virtually quota free since 1st January 2005, thus, benefiting immensely the developing countries to expand their textiles and clothing exports.In fact, armed bands of traders were found carrying on the trade in the 1820s.International business involves not only trade in goods and services, but also other operations such as production and marketing of goods and services in foreign countries.Thus, booms and recessions in one country tend to be transmitted to other countries through international trade in goods and services.Trade in agriculture became highly distorted especially due to use of subsidies by some of the developed countries.Trade in services denoted as invisible trade (because they are not seen to cross national borders) includes both factor income (payment for inputs-investment income, that is, the interest, profits and dividends on our assets abroad minus the income foreigners earn on assets they own in India) and non-factor income (shipping, banking, insurance, tourism, software services, etc.AoA is a significant step towards an orderly and fair trade in agricultural products.
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